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KCI 등재

Review on Mega-trends in shipping and port & its implications

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/260847
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Journal of Korean Navigation and Port Reserch (한국항해항만학회지)
한국항해항만학회 (Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research)

This paper aims to understand and analyze the mega-trends such as trends towards larger vessels due to an increasing trade volume, accordingly fewer port calls, strategic alliances and M&A Increasing degree of concentration through M&A activities in shipping industry results in a decreasing number of shipping finns with an increasing share in the world shipping capacity. But competition is strongly increasing on main trunk routes. Therefore, shipping concentration directly leads to further concentration of port traffic in fewer and larger ports with an increasing competition among neighboring ports.

  • Hyun-Duk Kim
  • Ki-Myoung Ahan