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KCI 등재

A Basic Study on Maritime English Education and the Need for Raising the Instructor Profile

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/261427
서비스가 종료되어 열람이 제한될 수 있습니다.
Journal of Korean Navigation and Port Reserch (한국항해항만학회지)
한국항해항만학회 (Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research)

English is the accepted common working language of the maritime world and being competent in its use is essential to the safety of ships, their crews and the marine environment. This paper is a response to the urgent need to find a suitable solution to the problem of providing maritime students with quality instruction in Maritime English. This paper will show what type of English instructor is best suited to help cadets have at least a basic grasp of Maritime English communication, with a view to possessing the level required by STCW 95 within the shortest time. It presents ways that maritime institutes can develop their own qualified or 'marinated' English Instructors and what qualifications should be required. It is concluded that by further essential research, interviews and questionnaires etc., the language needs of the university and shipping industry in Korea as a whole can be clearly verified. By examining such data, the present language education systems can be evaluated as to efficacy and relevance, allowing the establishment and implementation of 'best practice' within the training institute. This will result in making excellent informed decisions and choices about how best to improve the language competencies of graduating cadets, thereby creating the catalyst for the success of future seafarers whilst raising the image of the institute and Korean shipping worldwide.

  • James G. Davy
  • Chang-Kyun Noh