A Study on Space Program of Korean Floating Marina Clubhouse
Domestic marina facilities today consist mostly of composite-type marinas with particular spatial composition characteristics, due to the regulatory restrictions that keep their development in the public sector and the tepid growth of marine leisure-sports. To develop a marina club design appropriate for domestic conditions, this study establishes space program standards for designing Korean marinas based on a case analysis of existing marina clubs and a survey of floating marina clubs. It is possible for a current composite-type Korean marina club to have a spatial composition of 16~18% for marina-exclusive facility (mFA), 47~49% for commercial facility (cFA), 27~30% for public space (pFA) and 5~8% for management space (emFA). With this composition as a basis, space program estimation of a Korean marina club can be done through the process of estimating in order the marina-exclusive facility area, the floor area by each space and the total floor area, the first floor area, the deck area and the pontoon area. Since the space program established in this study can be utilized as a tool for designing a Korean marina club, it is expected to be helpful in designing marina clubs in the future.