이 연구는 해산어 양식장 환경을 재현한 해양 microcosm을 이용하여, 양식장에서 빈번히 사용하고 있는 옥소린산에 대한 미생물이 나타내는 항생제 내성획득에 관해 알아보고자 하였다. 옥소린산 처리 전과 후의 세균상을 비교한 결과, 비브리오 과 세균은 실험기간 전반에 걸쳐 65-75% 정도로 우점하였으며, 그람양성세균인 Micrococcos sp. 와 Bacillus sp. 는 옥소린산 처리 기간 중에 출현 빈도가 증가하였다. 해산어양식 환경에서 세균의 ETS 활성은옥소린산 처리 기간중 42-67%로 줄어들었지만, 옥소린산의 처리가 종료된 후에 세균은 다시 회복되었다. 해산어 양식장에서 옥소린산의 빈번한 사용은 옥소린산에 대한 세균의 내성을 증가시키는 것으로 관찰되었다.
The microbial response after treatment of antibiotics was studied for investigating the resistance pattern under simulated aquaculture environment. A marine microcosm was developed for marine fish farm environment using artificial seawater and sediment. Oxolinic acid, which has been commonly used in aquaculture, was employed for the experiment. Resistance patterns and the changes of microbial community were monitored before. during and after use of oxolinic acid. Vibrionaceae was the dominant bacterial species throughout the experiment, consisting 65-75% of total bacterial number in fish farm environment. However, some gram-positive bacteria, Micrococcos sp. and Bacillus sp. strains in marine farm environment were increased in proportion to their number during the treatment. ETS activity of the bacterial communities in aquaculture environment was reduced to 42-67% during the treatment of oxolinic acid. But recovering trends of bacterial number were also detected immediately after cease of oxolinic acid treatment. Frequent treatment of oxolinic acid under the simulated fish farm environment showed bacterial resistance to increase sharply.