본 논문은 제강슬래그를 잔골재 대체재로 콘크리트에 활용할 경우 유리석회의 다량 함유로 인한 팽창성 때문에 콘크리트용 골재로서의 사용이 제한되고 있어 제강슬래그를 급냉시켜 유리석회의 함유량를 크게 낮춘 급냉제강슬래그를 잔골재로 활용한 콘크리트의 특성에 관한 연구이다. 따라서 급냉제강슬래그의 대체율 및 잔골재율을 달리하여 제작한 콘크리트 시험체의 슬럼프로스시험, XRD 및 SEM분석에 따른 수화특성, 재령에 따른 압축강도 시험, 길이변화시험 및 급속염소이온침투시험결과를 비교 고찰하여 급냉제강슬래그의 적정 대체율 및 잔골재율을 도출하였다.
When the steel slag is utilized to the concrete as the alternative fine aggregate, its use is limited as the concrete aggregate because of expansibility caused by much quantity of free CaO. So, this study is intended to examine the characteristics of the concrete which uses the rapidly cooled steel slag whose content of free CaO is sharply reduced by rapidly cooling the steel slag as the fine aggregate. Accordingly, by comparing and considering the results of the concrete slump loss test with the different substitution ratio and fine aggregate ratio of rapidly cooled steel slag, hydration by XRD and SEM analysis, compressive test by age, a length variation test and rapid chloride ion penetration test, the rapidly cooled steel slag’s proper substitution ratio and the fine aggregate ratio was derived. When the steel slag is utilized to the concrete as the alternative fine aggregate, its use is limited as the concrete aggregate because of expansibility caused by much quantity of free CaO. So, this study is intended to examine the characteristics of the concrete which uses the rapidly cooled steel slag whose content of free CaO is sharply reduced by rapidly cooling the steel slag as the fine aggregate. Accordingly, by comparing and considering the results of the concrete slump loss test with the different substitution ratio and fine aggregate ratio of rapidly cooled steel slag, hydration by XRD and SEM analysis, compressive test by age, a length variation test and rapid chloride ion penetration test, the rapidly cooled steel slag’s proper substitution ratio and the fine aggregate ratio was derived.