This paper investigate vibration suppression by the active variable stiffness system (AVS system). AVS system can change its stiffness by special elements called on-off elements. The control logic deciding on-off states of on-off element is based on the method of dividing phase plane. A phase plane is composed of displacement and velocity axis. This control logic is easily applicable to both single and multi degree of system, because it is local control logic that determines on-off states according to the relative displacement and velocity between the floors in which each on-off element is installed. By this control logic, on-off elements can absorb and dissipate the earthquake energy. On-off element is on state when the sign of displacement multiplied by velocity is positive, because on-off element absorb the system vibration energy. Conversely, on-off element is off state when the sign of displacement multiplied by velocity is negative, because on-off element dissipate the absorbed system vibration energy. The effectiveness of this control logic can be proved in the second way through the active control experiment using the active mass damper (AMD).