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오리엔탈나리 정식 전 싹틔우기 온도 및 기간이 절화품질에 미치는 영향 KCI 등재

Effect of Pre-shooting Temperature and Duration before Planting Bulbs on Cut Flower Quality of Lilium Oriental Hybrid

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/269131
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
화훼연구 (Flower Research Journal)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

수출용 오리엔탈나리 ‘시베리아’의 여름철 고랭지 절화품질을 높이기 위하여 4단계의 대형 구근을 이용하여정식 전 싹틔우기 처리로 시험한 결과, 작은 구근일수록 저온 싹틔우기 기간이 짧은 처리가 효과적이었으며,구근 크기가 클수록 기간이 길 때 효과적이었다. 구주18cm에서는 2οC 0일+5οC 7일+12οC 14일, 구주20cm에서는 2οC 7일+5οC 7-14일+12οC 14일, 구주22cm에서는 2οC 14일+5οC 14일+12οC 14일과 2οC21일+5οC 7일+12οC 14일, 구주 24cm에서는 2οC 14-21일+5οC 7일+12οC 14일 처리했을 때 절화장이 크고, 화수장 비율이 25-27%로 양호하였다. 수확소요일은약 10일 더 빨랐고, 꽃 수는 1개 감소하였고, 블라인드는 0%, 절화등급은 2.2~b1.0로 절화 품질이 향상되는효과를 나타냈다.

Three pre-shooting temperature and four durationson four bulb sizes before planting bulbs were studied in aneffort to improve quality of Lilium Oriental Hybrid ‘Siberia’.For pre-shooting, bulbs were held at 2, 5, and 12°C, for 0,7, 14, or 21 days before planting in Gangneung (a high land,600m above sea level). In bulb circumference 18cm, holdingat 5°C for 7 days and 12°C for 14 days before plantingresulted in increased length and weight of harvested stems,reduced physiological flower bud blindness by 0%, shorteneddays to harvest by 10 days as compared with controls,and showed 2.2 of cut flower grade. In bulb circumference20cm, holding at 2°C for 7 days, 5°C for 7-14 days, and12°C for 14 days before planting resulted in increasedlength and weight of harvested stems, reduced physiologicalflower bud blindness by 0%, shortened days to harvest by10 days as compared with controls, and showed 1.7 and 1.8of cut flower grade. In bulb circumference 22cm, holdingat 2°C for 14 days, 5°C for 14 days and 12°C for 14 daysand at 2°C for 21 days, 5οC for 7 days, and 12°C for 14days before planting resulted in increased length and weightof harvested stems, 25.7~27.4% ratio of flower stalk perstem length, reduced the number of flower by 1.3, reducedphysiological flower bud blindness by 0%, shortened daysto harvest by 10-12 days as compared with controls, andshowed 1.6 and 1.8 of cut flower grade. In bulb circumference24cm, holding at 2°C for 14 to 21 days, 5°C for 7 days,and 12°C for 14 days before planting resulted in increasedlength and weight of harvested stems, 26.4~26.9% ratio offlower stalk per stem length, reduced number of flowerby 1.0, reduced physiological flower bud blindness by0%, shortened days to harvest by 10-11 days as comparedwith controls, and showed 1.0 and 1.2 of cut flowergrade. Therefore in order to produce cut flower of LiliumOriental Hybrids with big bulbs during high temperatureseason in high land, pre-shooting before planting waseffective to reduce physiological disorder, shortened daysto harvest by 10-12 days, showed 25~27% ratio of flowerstalk per stem length, and improve cut flower quality by 1-2grade compared with controls.

  • 고재영(강원도농업기술원 원예연구과) | Jae-Young Ko Corresponding author
  • 최강준(강원도농업기술원 원예연구과) | Kang-Joon Choi
  • 변선배(강원도농업기술원 원예연구과) | Sun-Bae Byon
  • 방순배(강원도농업기술원 원예연구과) | Soon-Bae Bang