Biogas from anaerobic digestion of biological wastes is a renewable energy resource. It has been utilized to provideheat and electricity. Raw biogas contains about 55~65% methane, 30~45% carbon dioxide, 0.5% of hydrogen sulfidegas and fraction of water vapor. The presence of CO2 and H2S in biogas affects less caloric value of raw biogas andcorrosion of engine etc.. Reducing CO2 and H2S contents improves a quality of fuel. In this paper, the absorption processusing aqueous monoethanol amine has been investigated as one of the leading technologies to purify the biogas. Liquidabsorbent is circulated through the reactor, contacting the biogas in countercurrent flow. The experimental results of themethane purification in simulated biogas mixture consisted of methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide werepresented. It was shown that using aqueous solution used is effective in reacting with CO2 in biogas and it was possibleto achieve the purification of methane from the concentration of 55% up to 98%. This technique proved to be efficientin enriching and purifying of biogas, and has to be used to improve process efficiency.