Mercury distribution and hazardous characteristics of major components from SCFLs (Spent compact fluorescent lamps)for 3 lamp manufactures (A, B, C) are estimated by the analysis of mercury concentration and leaching tests such asKorean Extraction Test (KET) and Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP). SCFLs can be separated into glasstube, phosphor powder, metals, ballast, plastics, and binder. Through the analysis of mercury in major components forSCFL, mercury concentration in phosphor powder is much higher than that in other components regardless manufacturesof lamp. Also, mercury concentration in phosphor powder is dependent of the manufactures of lamp. From the leachingtests, all components except phosphor powder from 3 lamp manufactures are verified to be non-hazardous waste becauseall leaching concentrations are below the regulatory level. However, the leaching concentration of mercury in phosphorpowder of SCFLs is higher than the regulatory level in both KET and TCLP regardless manufactures of lamp. Hence,phosphor powder should be managed as a hazardous waste and should be separately managed to control mercury.