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睡軒 梁致裕의 詩世界 KCI 등재

A Study on Yang, Chi-yu's Poetry

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/269706
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漢字漢文敎育 (한자한문교육)
한국한자한문교육학회 (The Korea Association For Education Of Chinese Characters)

The literature is the products of the time and the time is the origin of the thoughts. Any great literature is inseparable related to the time and the thought as well. Now Su-Heon(title name), Yang Chi-Yu(1854∼1929), he was born at the last period of the nation but in spite of his great thought he has not done a running his country and the salvation of the people according to his idea. He had tears in his eyes at the sight of the glower bloomed in the spring and the bird flying thoughtlessly over the high and blue sky of his ruined country and he had been sighed at the sight of the cold moon in the hard winter. In his life course like this he had been written good poems one by one and filed and made a book. The book was named "the poem series of Su-Heon". On the point of the western degeneration trend having been stretched at full speed, he had founded a religion "Tae Geuk Kyo" and set up a village schoolhouse" IL sin Jae" to maintain the traditional ethics that was destroying and was mixing with the western fashion And he had taught the principles and thoughts of Confucianism established by Confucius and Mencius. Because of his devoting efforts, he had been honored as the great eight scholars of the south region of Korea. As the result he became a great last hermit scholar and unhappy poet who was developing the old ideas at the national decline. Everywhere he had remained his great achievements and his teaching had benefits given by him had been received by every person and everywhere. As the results his hermit life which was living in secret and Keeping the principles in his mind was obviously showed up in the world. Because I think that what I review Yang Chi-yu`s knowledge and morals in his book is much valuable to all of us who are living in the time and the place which is flowing into the excessive confusion, I chose Yang chi-yu book, the poem series of Yang chi-yu`s. Because he had been already successful in his knowledge as the disciple of Rosa (title name), Gi Jeong-Jin(1798∼1876), the greatest scholar who lived at that period ever great scholar top who was living in the world of the southern literature in korea had yielded the Top position to him. He felt sorrowful for the decline of the nation and the abolishing custom with his deep thought and he encouraged the people in the filial piety, brotherhood, patriotism, and belief and in loving One`s country and one another. He truly loved his country and his people and led them to the right road and was willing to make their lives happy and rich with his deep heart. He expressed such a mind of his with his abstracted expression. so by the meaning involved in his poems, I suggest the following points. 1. the pleasure that he taught at the village schoolhouse. " IL sin Jae " 2. the pleasure that lived his life with his true friend. 3. the change and allowance that changed himself into the calm of his mind and the nature. 4. the feelings that he went through his time and the fashion of the time. In this four divided essay I tried to find out the true meaning that the contents of the book include.

  • 朴金奎(원광대학교 한문교육과) | Park, Guem-kyu