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한국어와 몽골어 연어 대조 연구 -‘머리’를 중심으로-

A contrastive study on collocations between Korean and MongolianFocused on the noun 'head'

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/270793
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
강남대학교 인문과학연구소 (Research Institute for Humanities Kangnam University)

This study compares the collocation of Korean and Mongolian language, using the noun 'head', which indicates the part of body. The purpose of this study is to analyze the semantic and syntactic aspects coping of collocation and give the linguistic explanation to the regularly appearing collocation aspects coping.The collocations can be defined as a nuclear of collocation which has transparent meaning, and limited combination of old vocabulary, which has no transparent meaning. Korean noun 'head' participates in the collocation usually with the meanings such as 'part of body, hair, inside of the head, spirit'. Especially, the meaning 'hair' appears the most frequently. In this case, the meaning of the 'head' equals to 'us', not the 'tolgoi'. This is because, mongolian noun 'tolgoi' has no meaning of 'hair'. Only one exception exists, where 'wash the head/wash the hair' can be represented in mongolian collocation “tolgoi ugaah/u's ugaah”. (wash the head/wash the hair) Consequently, among the 31 korean collocations there can be 27 mongolian collocation corresponding forms. And 16(+1) of them are composed with meaning 'tolgoi'. Furthermore, this study analyzes the mongolian word 'tolgoi' as a starting point and searches for its collocation corresponding forms. Mongolian noun 'tolgoi' has participated in the collocations with the meanings such as 'part of the body, spirit'. Among 22 collocations with the word 'tolgoi', there exists 16 korean collocation corresponding forms. 14 of them were with the meaning 'head'. In comparing the lexical semantic representation, mongolian and korean collocations may be equal. But the verbal meaning is not equal. And there are occasions where collocation corresponding forms does not exist at all. In this case, they can be interpreted by free join or an independent word. Syntactically, korean and mongolian collocations have shown almost the same configuration.

  • 데, 엥흐자야(강남대학교 국어국문학과) | D. Enkhzaya