The problems and recommendations for the improvement in the second foreign languages education in Korea
The study examines the current problems with which the nation’s second foreign languages(SFL) education today faces and suggests the recommendations for SFL policy. Assumíng that SFL is at risk, the study warns that SFL policy has failed to recognize the importance of SFL and so gives less attention to factors that are required for improving the quality of SFL. The maín reasons for the crisís of SFL, the study says. seem to be the lack of giving efforts to improvement for SFL and the policy. makers' failure to provide the SFL improvement plans (e.g., focusing on expanding the aspect of quantity with respect to the SFL without considering that of quality or making the SFL electives for the ColIege Scholastic Ability Test). Based on the problems identified in the study. a couple of recommendations are suggested as follow. The SFL shou1d be offered as common courses for a11 and thus high schoo1 graduates take SFL subjects as the compu[sory in the College Scholastic Ability Tests. Teaching methods and materials for the SFL should be improved and developed. Particularly for the effective SFL, it should be free from the textbooks only classroom teaching-learning situation and lots of up-to-date curricular materials and laboratory apparatus should be developed .