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프랑스어 시제의 학습과 지도 (1) - 복합과거와 반과거의 지도를 위한 한 시안 -

How to teach French past tenses (1)

Comment enseigner les tiroirs du passé en français (1)

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/272984
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 9,000원
외국어교육연구 (Foreign Language Education Research)
서울대학교 외국어교육연구소 (Foreign Language Education Research Institute)

The purpose of this paper is to suggest a more methodical and efficient means to make Korean high school students understand the usages of two French past tenses, viz passé composé and imparfait. The paper shows that these two tenses are distributed in a complementary way on textual level, and that two conceptual devices developed by Weinrich, foreground and middle ground, can be useful for the teachers' teaching skills. The paper also discusses the anaphoricity, redefined and remodulated by Berthonneau and Kleiber on the semantico-pragmatic basis, for a new means of teaching French past tenses.

I. 서 론
II. 시제 기술을 위한 세 가지 접근
 A. 의미-논리적 접근
 B. 텍스트 혹은 담화분석적 접근
 C. 의미 • 화용론적 접근
III. 시제의 지도를 위한 시안
 A. 기계적 학습의 문제
 B. 복합과거의 지도
 C. 반과거의 지도
 D. 두 시제의 유기적 관계
IV. 결 론
예문의 출처
  • 장승일(서울대학교) | Jahng, Seung-Il