본 연구는 식물구계학적 특정식물종 II급에 해당하는 난쟁이바위솔의 종자 번식법 개발을 위해 수행되었다. 종자의 형태적 특성은 크기가 1.10×0.21mm, 1,000립 중이 496.0±0.21mg인 갈색의 미립종자였다. 종자의 함수율은 24시간 만에 8.8%에서 39.8%로 급속히 증가하여최대함수율을 보였다. 온도 및 광조건에 따른 발아율은20οC, 명조건에서 가장 높았으며, GA3와 KNO3용액에 24시간 처리함으로써 발아율과 발아세가 매우 향상되었다.특히 GA3 처리구는 10~100mg•L−1의 농도에서 발아율이99.0% 이상으로 매우 우수였으며, KNO3는 5mM 처리구에서 발아율이 81.3%로 가장 높았다.
This study was carried out to establish seedpropagation methods of Meterostachys sikokiana (Makino)Nakai, one of the specific plant species for the floral region.Observation of seed morphology characters showed wrinkledsurface and elliptical shape, indicating brown, and fineseeds. Seed size ranged 1.10×0.21mm, weight of thousandseeds was 496.0±0.21mg. Moisture contents of seeds,increased rapidly by water-soaking treatment, recordingmaximum moisture contents after 24 hours. Percent ger-mination of seeds was higher under the light than darkcondition. Seed germination was the best at 20οC underthe light condition among temperature and light conditionstreated. Percent germination and germination energy wasgreatly improved by soaking in GA3 and KNO3 solutions for 24hours. Especially, 10~100mg•L−1 GA3 treatment resulted inthe highest germination rate as 99.0% and above. In caseof KNO3 treatment, the highest germination rate was 81.3%in 5mM solution.