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The analysis for the classification of characters in the table of "Words and Characters for Chinese Ability Outline"

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/279233
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한국한자한문교육학회 (The Korea Association For Education Of Chinese Characters)

"Words and Characters for Chinese Ability Outline" is the main basis of teaching design, teaching materials, achievement tests for the field of teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language.The development of the Character Table is based primarily on the existing State Standardization of Chinese Characters, and according to need some adjustment, especially those characters from the Word Table is for the targeted adjustment. This article inspects the situation of the character classification for the Character Table of the "outline", a comparative study have been made with the existing State Standardization of Chinese Characters, such as "Modern Chinese characters commonly used in the table," "Modern popular characters used alone standards," and the frequency statistics result of existing Chinese books for primary schools, and inspects the collection for the Character Table of the "Outline" from both of meeting standards and language learning rules. The article suggested on the main principle of choosing character and classifying the level in the table.

≪漢語水平辭彙與漢字等級大綱≫定位為我國對外漢語教學領域的教學設計、教材編寫、成績測試的主要依據。 本文選擇漢字學習中最為基礎的甲級字進行較為細緻的探討, 與現行國家漢字規範(≪現代常用獨體字規範≫)≪現代常用獨體字規範≫, 以及通行的小學語文教材用字字頻統計結果、國家語委平衡語料庫字頻統計結果、≪大綱≫詞表用字字頻統計結果進行對比, 通過對數據資料的分析, 文章就甲級字收字提出了具體的建議。文章認為:1.≪大綱≫教學用字的選字分級需要考慮漢字學習的科學規律, 應優先選擇對於理解漢字構字規律有益的獨體字, 和構詞能力高, 有利於詞彙學習的漢字。2. 需要強調國家組織研製的漢字規範標準, 對教學和其他漢字應用的指導意義。 漢字規範標準的研製,通常經過較長期的研究醞釀, 具有較高的可信度, 社會領域的應用, 應以國家漢字規範標準規定的字量、字形等為基本內容。 3.≪大綱≫作為漢語教學的指導性規範, 其字表收字首先還是應強調基礎性、通用性, 突出其廣泛適用性, 通用平衡語料、基礎教育語料的統計意義仍然應優於其他語料, 在最基礎、最核心的甲級字的選擇上尤其如此。

  • 王 敏(中國教育部語言文字應用研究所 漢字與漢語拼音研究室) | Wang Min
  • 王曉明(中國教育部語言文字應用研究所 漢字與漢語拼音研究室) | Wang Xiaoming