An Analysis on the CDM Project in Agricultural Sector and Its Implications for Korea : Focused on Animal Waste Management CDM Project
Agriculture is not only sources, but also sinks of GHGs through removal or sequestration of carbon and methane. Therehave been many efforts around the world to improve agriculture’s ability to sequester GHGs and to seek ways for economicbenefits through the emissions reduction project. Specially, animal waste management system and biogas plants have beenuseful to environmental policies in agriculture sector. The objectives of this study were to analyze the CDM project currentsituation in agriculture sector and draw a implications from its analysis. As a result of the investigation, strategies andprocedures are suggested to link agricultural policies to the CDM projects to create economics opportunities for the koreanagriculture. So it will be useful, a strategy to raise the economic feasibility of a rural area’s animal waste managementsystem and biogas plant project should consider to develop domestic technologies of biogas digester. Also, localgovernment, local college, rural communities should agree to closely work together to resolve the national’s greenhousegas reduction issue.