본 연구는 공동생활시설에서 거주하는 지체장애인을 대상으로 원예치료가 손기능 향상과 삶의 질 향상에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 악력 측정 결과 실험군에서는 원예치료 실시 전·후 오른손과 왼손 모두 p<0.01수준에서 고도의 유의차를 나타내었다. 박스&블록테스트 평가결과 실험군은 원예치료 실시 전·후 오른손은 p<0.05수준에서 유의차를 나타내었고 왼손은 p<0.01수준에서 고도의 유의한 차를 나타내었다. 자아존중감 측정결과 대조군은 실시 후 수치가 0.2점 감소한 반면 실험군은 2.0점 증가하였다. 감정균형 측정결과 실험군이 4.1점 증가하여 p<0.01수준에서 고도의 유의차가 있었다. 대인관계 측정 결과 대조군은 실시 후 수치가 3.0점 감소한 반면 실험군은 수치가 1.2점 증가하였다.
This research was conducted to find out the effect of the horticultural therapy program on the improvement of hand function and the quality of the elderly with crippled disorder at group home. As a result of the evaluation on the horticultural therapy group was 20.8 scores before conducting therapy and 25.7 scores after, showed higher 4.9 scores and the significant difference of 0.01 level in right hand. It was 16.5 scores before conducting therapy and 19.6 scores after, showed higher 3.1 scores and the significant difference of 0.01 level in left hand. As a result of the evaluation on the Box&block test for the hand function, the horticultural therapy group was 47 scores before conducting therapy and 55.7 scores after, showed higher 8.7 scores and the significant difference of 0.05 level in right hand, It was 42.8 scores before conducting therapy and 51.8 scores after, showed higher 9 scores and the difference 0.01 level in left hand. As a result for the self-esteem in the entire subject, the control group showing lower 0.2 scores than before, the horticultural therapy group showed higher 2.0 scores than before. As a result for the evaluation on the examination paper for the emotional balance in the entire subject, the horticultural therapy group showed higher 4.1 scores and the significant difference of 0.01 level.