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A Study on the Conversation, Rehabilitation and Creation of Naturality of Rivers - Based of the Consciousness of Residents for the Environmental Improvement in River -
이진희, 김훈희. (1998). 하천에 있어서 자연성 보전, 정비, 창출에 관한 연구 - 하천 환경 개선을 위한 주민 의식 조사 -. 인간식물환경학회지, 1(2), 133-142.복사
Lee Jin-Hee, Kim Hoon-Hee. (1998). A Study on the Conversation, Rehabilitation and Creation of Naturality of Rivers - Based of the Consciousness of Residents for the Environmental Improvement in River -. Journal of People Plants and Environment, 1(2), 133-142.복사