Direct cell-cell communication through connexin (Cx) complexes is a way to achieve functional accordance of cells within a tissue or an organ. The initial segment (IS), a part of the epididymis, plays important roles in sperm maturation. Steroid hormones influence on expression of a number of genes in the IS of adult animals. However, developmental effect of sex hormones on the gene expression in the IS has not been examined. In this study, estradiol benzoate (EB, an estrogen agonist) or flutamide (Flu, an androgen antagonist) was exogenously administrated at 1 week of postnatal age, and expressional changes of Cx genes in the IS were determined at 4 months of age by a quantitative real-time PCR analysis. Treatment of EB at 0.015 mg/kg body weight (BW) increased expression of Cx30.3, 31.1, and 43 genes. However, treatment of 1.5 mg EB/kg BW resulted in expressional decreases of Cx31, 32, and 45 genes and caused increases of Cx30.3 and 43 gene expression. Significant decreases of Cx31, 31.1, 32, 37, and 45 gene expression were detected with a treatment of 500 mg Flu/kg BW, while expression of Cx43 gene was significantly increased with a treatment of 500 mg Flu/kg BW. A treatment of 50 mg Flu/kg BW led to significant increases of Cx30.3, 32, 37, 40, and 43 gene expression. These findings imply that exogenous exposure of steroidal hormones during the early developmental period would result in aberrant expression of Cx genes in the adult IS.