After firstly identified sex pheromone components of Bombxy mori, those of many insect pests were synthesized by organic chemistry methodology. These synthesized components were used for monitoring, mass trapping, and mating disruption during five decades. For identification of pheromone biosynthesis mechanisms and control to many pests bring to serious damages also were proceeded. The transcriptome analysis from pheromone glands by Next Generation Sequence (NGS) showed many genes and pathway involved on sex pheromone biosynthesis.. The two main genes involved on production of acetate and alcohol, and aldehyde from fatty acid, fatty acid desaturase and fatty acid reductase (FAR) were identified and functional characterized via gene introduction to Brewer’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This S. cerevisiae now used as a mediator as well as cell factory for sex pheromone producing. Recently, One group was published that the plant factory for producing via genetically modified plant (tobacco, Nicotiana benthamiana) as a step of semisynthetic preparation. These trials will be suggest that firstly, the possibility of yeast as a molecular toolbox to produce pheromone components and secondly, a novel and cost-effective way of producing moderate to large quantities of pheromones with high purity and a minimum of hazardous waste.