This study was carried out to investigate the optimum composition of sex pheromone of the rice green caterpillar Naranga aenescens and its efficacy was examined in a paddy field. The mating rate of N. aenescens tended to be increased with age, showing the highest rate of mating at age 2. The highest mating showed within 1 h after the scotophase, and also mating took place even during the photophase. A GC-EAD analysis of virgin female extracts showed two EAG-active components. Their chromatographic behavior was coincident with that of an authentic sample of Z9-14:Ac and Z11-16:Ac, respectively. The mass spectrum of two EAG-active components was almost identical to that of the authentic samples. The EAG response to two compounds, Z9-14:Ac and Z11-16:Ac, was significantly dose-dependent, but response to Z9-16:Ac was not dose-dependent. A 2: 1: 4 mixture of Z9-14:Ac, Z9-16:Ac, and Z11-16:Ac was the most effective composition for attracting N. aenescens. The male moths increased in proportion to the pheromone amount impregnated. The sticky-typed wing trap baited with sex pheromone captured significantly more males than the other two type of trap examined. Trap catches within a paddy field were much more than those in perimeter trap. The trap-baited with sex pheromone gave three or four distinct fluctuation peaks of male catches throughout the flight seasons.