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ASR열화한 RC보부재의 내하특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the load carrying behavior of RC Beams damaged by Alkali-Silica Reaction

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/294048
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한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 (The Korea Institute For Structural Maintenance and Inspection)

To clarify the load-carrying behavior of RC beams caused by the rebar fracture and the expansive crack along the longitudinal reinforcement due to aggregate expansion simulating ASR, experimental study was carried out. From the test result, all specimens caused by the rebar fracture failed in shear tension. Moreover, cracking behavior and crack propagation highly influenced by the range of expansive crack.

  • 김민욱(전주대학교 공학기술종합연구소 특별연구원) | Kim, Min Ook
  • 이명규(전주대학교 토목환경공학과 교수) | Lee, Myung-Kue