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PdOx가 도핑된 나노 기공구조 SiO2/Si 기반의 수소 게터 제작 및 특성평가 KCI 등재 SCOPUS

Fabrication and Characterization of Hydrogen Getter Based on Palladium Oxide Doped Nanoporous SiO2/Si Substrate

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/297608
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한국재료학회지 (Korean Journal of Materials Research)
한국재료학회 (Materials Research Society Of Korea)

The existing metal getters are invariably covered with thin oxide layers in air and the native oxide layer must be dissolved into the getter materials for activation. However, high temperature is needed for the activation, which leads to unavoidable deleterious effects on the devices. Therefore, to improve the device efficiency and gas-adsorption properties of the device, it is essential to synthesize the getter with a method that does not require a thermal activation temperature. In this study, getter material was synthesized using palladium oxide (PdOx) which can adsorb H2 gas. To enhance the efficiency of the hydrogen and moisture absorption, a porous layer with a large specific area was fabricated by an etching process and used as supporting substrates. It was confirmed that the moisture-absorption performance of the SiO2/Si was characterized by water vapor volume with relative humidity. The gas-adsorption properties occurred in the absence of the activation process.

  • 엄누시아(한양대학교 융합화학공학과) | Eom, Nu Si A
  • 임효령( 한양대학교 융합화학공학과) | 임효령
  • 최요민( 한양대학교 융합화학공학과) | 최요민
  • 정영훈( 한국세라믹기술원 전자소재융합본부 지능형전자부품팀) | 정영훈
  • 조정호( 한국세라믹기술원 전자소재융합본부 지능형전자부품팀) | 조정호
  • 좌용호( 한양대학교 융합화학공학과) | 좌용호