The transport of nascent messenger RNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm is mediated by the THO/TREX complex and is evolutionary conserved from yeast, metazoa and humans. However, in plants, it is still yet unclear if the similar mechanism of transport exists. Here we identified and characterized a mutant gene, AtTHO2, a putative Arabidopsis thaliana THO2 component protein, homologous to yeast THO2 of the THO/TREX pathway required for mRNA transport. The mutation from this gene resulted to various developmental defects that include semi-dwarfism and abnormal floral development which further leads to sterility. Gene expression analysis revealed that AtTHO2 is expressed in all organs and pollen developmental stages. In addition, the homozygote progeny of null mutants did not persist until mature stage. These results suggest an indispensable role of AtTHO2 in the development of Arabidopsis. Differential gen expression and silencing were also observed between the null mutants and wild type depending on T-DNA insertion. Furthermore, alternative splicing which was tightly linked with the THO/TREX pathways was also defective on AtTHO2 and null mutants. A similar pattern of defect in SR34a was observed in the AtTHO2 and null mutants. In terms of microRNA biosynthesis, no significant differences were seen on the wild-type and mutant plants; however this data should be validated. Thus this work provides some evidences that a similar THO/TREX complex exist in plants and gave a foundation for further studies on the mechanism of nuclear export in plants.