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Identification of Root-Specific Promoters from Arabidopsis thaliana

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/298027
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한국육종학회 (The Korean Breeding Society)

To develop a strong root-specific gene expression system, six gene promoters were investigated by using transgenic Arabidopsis and a GUS:GFP reporter gene. These promoters were initially selected from Arabidopsis genes which are specifically expressed only in roots, based on the TIGR information. The GUS activity of these promoters was measured in several tissues of Arabidopsis by using both histochemical and fluorimetric GUS assays. The results showed that the activity of these promoters was strongly detected only roots. This was also confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. Therefore, these six promoters could be used for utilization of a root-specific expression of target genes.

  • Jeong-A Han(National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA)
  • Jong-Yeol Lee(National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA)
  • Sun-Hyung Lim(National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA)
  • Sun-Hwa Ha(National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA)
  • Young-Mi Kim(National Academy of Agricultural Science, RDA) Corresponding Author