As soybean (Glycine max) is known for its high nutritional value of oil and protein, soybean has been domesticated and cultivated by one specific character trait based on human selection. Importantly, tracing back in time where G. max and G. soja, the undomesticated ancestor of G. max have diverged plays an important role in studying of genetic diversity and in investigating the common ancestor of soybean. In this study, we sequenced 6 G. max and 6 G. soja using Illumina’s Hiseq 2000 with a low coverage sequencing technology to estimate the divergence of times between genotypes and populations. A total of the 12 genotypes were sequenced at the average depth of 6.5 and resulted 892.5 Mb and 903.3 MB consensus sequences with the coverage of 91.54% and 92.65% for G. max and G. soja, respectively. The whole genome SNP analysis showed that G. max had lower frequency levels of polymorphism (~0.1%) than G. soja (~0.25%). And, a high number of SNPs located in introns were found among 6 G. soja genotypes as SNPs were approximately twice than those found in 6 G max. The number of SNPs in G. max intronic regions was 53,134, whereas a total of 133,329 SNPs were discovered in G. soja introns. Almost an equal number of SNPs were discovered in 5’ UTR and exon regions; however, different numbers of SNP in CDS and 3′ UTR were identified. By the rate of nonsynonymous change, divergence of time between G. soja and G. max would be investigated.