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홍국쌀 첨가 타락죽의 품질특성 KCI 등재

Quality Characteristics of Tarakjuk (Milk Porridge) prepared with Red Yeast-Rice

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/298983
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한국식품영양학회지 (The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition)
한국식품영양학회 (The Korean Society of Food and Nutrition)

This study encouraging the consumption of rice. The Tarakjuk in which red yeast rice was added showed the highest water content 78.31%. The viscosity of RRT20, which had the largest amount of red yeast rice, was the lowest for 4,125.50, and pH was the highest in RRT0 The sugar content of Tarakjuk with red yeast rice was the highest in RRT0 for. lightness (L) was lowest in RRT20 which had the largest amount of red yeast rice for, and its red and yellow lighteners were also the highest for respectively. storage at 4℃, no microorganism found for 0 to 1 day of storage but found in every group. The group showed the smallest of microorganism for 2.9×102 CFU/mL. On the 7 day, microorganism also found 40% added showed the smallest of microorganism for 3.1×104 CFU/mL. The color of the 20% added group, 6.74, was higher than that of the control group, 4.87, but the difference was not significant. The flavor was the in the 30% added group for 5.90, and taste was the in the 20% added group for 6.01 The control group showed the lowest preference for 4.91. The after taste was the in the 30% added group for 5.48. The viscosity of the 40% added group was higher for 5.39 than that of the control group for 5.06, no significant difference. The overall preference was rated highly, and the 20% added group showed the highest preference for 5.57.

 서 론
 재료 및 방법
  1. 실험재료
  2. 홍국쌀 타락죽의 제조
  4. 수분과 점도 측정
  5. pH와 당도, 총당량 측정
  6. 색도 측정
  7. 총 균수 측정
  8. 기호도 검사
  9. 통계처리
 결과 및 고찰
  1. 홍국쌀 타락죽의 수분 함량과 점도
  2. 홍국쌀 타락죽의 pH와 당도, 총당량
  3. 홍국쌀 타락죽의 색도
  4. 미생물 총균수 변화
  5. 기호도 검사
 요약 및 결론
  • 김세한(경기대학교 외식조리관리학과) | Se-Han Kim Corresponding author
  • 박범우(안동과학대학교 호텔조리과) | Beam-Woo Park
  • 김재환(서울호서직업전문학교 호텔조리과) | Jae-Hwan Kim