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건강한 성인과 만성요통환자의 전방 짐 나르기 동안 몸통, 골반, 엉덩관절의 협응과 운동형상학적 가변성 비교 KCI 등재

Comparison of Coordination and Kinematic Variability of Trunk, Pelvis and Hip Joint in Subjects With and Without Chronic Low Back Pain During an Anterior Load Carriage Task

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/299193
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국전문물리치료학회지 (Physical Therapy Korea)
한국전문물리치료학회 (Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy)

This study investigated the effect of a load of 15% body weight on trunk, pelvis and hip joint coordination and angle variability in subjects with and without chronic low back pain (CLBP) during an anterior load carriage task. Thirty volunteers participated in the study (15 without CLBP, 15 with CLBP). All participants were asked to perform an anterior carriage task with a load of 15% body weight. The outcome measures included the means and standard deviations for measurements of three-dimensional coordination and angle variability of the trunk, pelvis and hip joint. As CLBP patient group .06, control group .70, the correlation coefficient between the groups showed a significant difference only in trunk-pelvic in the sagittal plane (p<.05). Angle variability of CLBP patient group increased significantly in the trunk in frontal plane, the pelvis in all sagittal plane, frontal plane, transverse plane, and the hip in sagittal plane, the hip in frontal plane than angle variability of control group (p<.05). This results mean that the CLBP patient group showed a disconnected coordination pattern in the trunk-pelvis in the sagittal plane, an increased pelvic angle variability in all three planes, and hip angle variability in the sagittal, and frontal planes. The CLBP patient group may have developed a compensatory movement of the pelvis and hip joint arising from the changed stability due to the abnormal coordination patterns of the trunk-pelvic in the sagittal plane. Therefore, CLBP symptoms can potentially worsen in the pelvis and adjacent hip joint in CLBP patients who perform weight-related behaviors in their daily lives. Further research is needed to determine the three-dimensional characteristics of the electromyography and neuromuscular aspects of subjects with CLBP.

 Ⅰ. 서론
 Ⅱ. 연구방법
  1. 연구대상자의 일반적 특성
  2. 실험 도구 및 절차
  3. 자료 분석
   가. 상관관계분석
   나. 각 가변성분석
  4. 분석 방법
 Ⅲ. 연구결과
 1. 집단 간 보행변수의 비교
 2. 집단 간 분절간 횡단상관(cross-correlation)분석
 3. 몸통 각 가변성 비교
  가. 집단 간 전방 짐 나르기 동안 시상면에서 몸통의각 가변성의 비교
  나. 집단 간 전방 짐 나르기 동안 관상면에서 몸통의각 가변성의 비교
  다. 집단 간 전방 짐 나르기 동안 횡단면에서 몸통의각 가변성의 비교
 4. 골반 각 가변성 비교
  가. 집단 간 전방 짐 나르기 동안 시상면에서 골반의각 가변성의 비교
  나. 집단 간 전방 짐 나르기 동안 관상면에서 골반의각 가변성의 비교
  다. 집단 간 전방 짐 나르기 동안 횡단면에서 골반의각 가변성의 비교
 5. 엉덩관절 각 가변성 비교
  가. 집단 간 전방 짐 나르기 동안 시상면에서 엉덩관절의 각 가변성의 비교
  나. 집단 간 전방 짐 나르기 동안 관상면에서 몸통의각 가변성의 비교
  다. 집단 간 전방 짐 나르기 동안 횡단면에서 몸통의각 가변성의 비교
 Ⅳ. 고찰
 Ⅴ. 결론
  • 채은수(한서대학교 일반대학원 물리치료학과) | Eun-su Chai
  • 김택훈(한서대학교 보건과학부 물리치료학과) | Tack-hoon Kim Corresponding author
  • 노정석(한서대학교 보건과학부 물리치료학과) | Jung-suk Rho
  • 최흥식(한서대학교 보건과학부 물리치료학과) | Houng-sik Choi