소아 99mTc-DMSA 검사에서 방광의 포함 여부에 따른 신장 섭취율의 차이를 비교 하였다. 팬텀실험과 임상실험으로 진행되었으며 3개의 컵으로 좌, 우측신장 그리고 방광에 위치시키고 좌, 우측 신장의 방사능은 일정한 양( 1.0 )으로 고정하였고 방광에 해당되는 컵에는 0, 0.5, 1, 2배 방사능의 차이를 두어 영상을 획득하였다.
임상환자는 99mTc-DMSA (300uCi, 11MBq)을 주사하여 2시간 뒤 동일하게 영상 획득하여 각각 정량 분석하였다. 통계분석은 SPSS(ver 22.0) 으로 대응표본 T검증(paired T-test)을 사용하여 분석하였고 p<0.05는 통계적으로 유의하다고 판단하였다. 방광의 방사능을 제외한 양측 신장 섭취율은 29.83 ± 8.8%(좌측), 24.29 ± 6.66%(우측)이었고, 방광을 포함했을 때 신장 섭취율은 26.65 ± 8.03%(좌측), 21.78 ± 6.24%(우측)이었다. 신장 섭취율은 방광의 소변(방사능)이 증가할수록 양측 신장의 섭취율은 감소하였다.
이는 99mTc-DMSA 신장스캔 시 좌, 우측 신장에서 방사능을 계수할 때 방광의 소변에 포함된 방사능의 계수가 포함되어 신장 섭취율 공식에서 총 계수가 포함되므로 실제 양측 신장 섭취율의 값이 감소되었다.
The aims of this study were to evaluate the difference of renal uptake rate in 99mTc-DMSA scan on pediatrics by including the bladder. Phantom and Clinical studies were performed. In the phantom study, we put 99mTcO4- (300uCi, 11 MBq) in 3cups filled with distilled water at the rate 1:1:0, 1:1:0.5, 1:1:1, 1:1:2 and were placed Lt kidney, Rt kidney and bladder position on the table. To acquire the image, we used Symbia-E gamma camera from Siemens with preset count method(400,000 counts). In quantitative analysis, the counts of drawing ROIs on the phantom were analyzed. In clinical studies, we analyzed the 20 pediatrics who were examined by 99mTc-DMSA scan. At first, the images were acquired with both kidney and bladder. Secondly we acquired images after shielding the bladder. And the data were compared using a pared t-test by SPSS(ver.22.0). As a result of renal phantom’s experiment, we compared with average of uptake rate(%), 1:1:0 was Lt 43.32%, Rt 45.97%, 1:1:0.5 was Lt 35.79%, Rt 36.89%, 1:1:1 was Lt 29.68%, Rt 31.45% and 1:1:2 was Lt 22.89%, Rt 24.32%. There was no correlation between the zoom and uptake rate. The results of patient were that excluded bladder was 29.83±8.81%(Lt), 24.29±6.66%(Rt) and included bladder was 26.65±8.03%(Lt, 21.78±6.24%(Rt). This is deemed statistically significant (p<0.05). Renal uptake rate was undervalued because the counts of bladder were included in the total counts.