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QTL analysis for drought tolerance using introgression lines from a cross between Milyang 23 and O. glaberrima

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/302868
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한국육종학회 (The Korean Breeding Society)

Drought stress is one of the major stresses affecting growth and productivity in rice. Drought tolerance is a complex trait governed by quantitative trait loci(QTLs) making it difficult to understand mechanisms underlying it. We generated a set of 55 introgression lines via backcrosses using Milyang23, the Korean Tongil-type rice variety as the recurrent parent and Oryza glaberrima (IRGC Acc. No. 103544) as a donor parent. 139 SSR markers were used to genotype 55 introgression lines. The 55 introgression lines with Milyang23 were evaluated for physiological traits such as fresh shoot weight (FSW), fresh root weight (FRW) and dry shoot weight (DSW) under the control and 30% PEG-treated condition. Three lines (IL9, IL12, and IL55) showing significant difference with Milyang23 were selected for further analysis. Genotyping revealed that three lines had four, four and two O. glaberrima homozygous segments, respectively. IL9 performed better than Milyang23 in all traits measured in the 30% PEG-treated condition. IL9 possessed four O. glaberrima introgressions on chromosomes 1, 2, 6 and 7. IL12 performed better than Milyang23 in FSW and FRW and contains four O. glaberrima introgressions on chromosomes 3 and 6. IL55 contains two O. glaberrima introgressions on chromosomes 2 and 6. Three lines shared the O. glaberrima segment delimited by markers RM133-RM225 at chromosomes 6. This region corresponds to the QTL region for drought tolerance reported by other previous studies. Although IL9 and IL12 showed improved drought tolerance at the seedling and vegetative stage, they performed poor under the drought stress at the reproductive stage implying that the level of drought tolerance differs according to the growth stage in rice. IL55 was not significantly different from Milyang 23 in SPP and FER and had significantly higher no. of the total grain than Milyang 23. This result seems to indicate that IL55 will be a good resource for drought tolerance breeding. The population would be useful not only in developing drought tolerant lines in the breeding program but also in fine-mapping the genes/QTLs for drought tolerance.

  • Ju-Won Kang(Department of Agronomy, Chungnam National University)
  • Dong-Min Kim(Department of Variety Testing, Korea Seed & Variety Service)
  • Hyun-Sook Lee(Department of Agronomy, Chungnam National University)
  • Yeo-Tae Yoon(Chungnam Agricultural Research and Extension Services)
  • Sang-Nag Ahn(Department of Agronomy, Chungnam National University) Corresponding Author