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Architectural Elements of the Fluvial Deposits of Meander Bends in Midstream of the Yeongsan River, Korea KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/304510
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한국지구과학회지 (The Journal of The Korean Earth Science Society)
한국지구과학회 (The Korean Earth Science Society)

The fluvial sequence developed along the channel margin of meander bends in the midstream of the Yeongsan River consists of channel deposits at the bottom and overbank deposits at the top, and shows a fining-upward trend. The fluvial deposits consist of 7 sedimentary facies, and facies association forms 7 architectural elements. The channel deposits formed as channel bar or point bar. The channel bar deposits consisted of architectural element of gravel bedform were formed by channel lag deposits within the channel; whereas, the channel bar deposits consisted of architectural elements of downcurrent-dipping inclined strata sets, cross-stratified and horizontally stratified sets, and horizontally stratified sets were formed by downstream migration of sand wave or downstream transport of sand by traction current in the upper flow regime conditions within the channel. The point bar deposits consist of architectural elements of down current-dipping inclined strata sets, horizontally stratified sets, cross-stratified and horizontally stratified sets, and laterally inclined and horizontally stratified sets. These architectural elements are thought to have been formed by the combined effects of the migration of sand dunes and the formation of horizontal lamination in the upper flow regime plane bed conditions. The overbank deposits consist of the architectural elements of overbank fine and sand sheet and lens. The overbank fines were formed by settling of mud from slackwater during flooding over floodplain whereas the sand sheet and lens were formed by traction of sands introduced episodically fiom channel to the overbank during flooding.

  • Chung, Gong-Soo
  • Lee, Jin-Young | Lee, Jin-Young
  • Yang, Dong-Yoon | Yang, Dong-Yoon
  • Kim, Ju-Yong | Kim, Ju-Yong