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The Review and Preview of Digitalized Research of Paleography —A Postscript of The History of Chinese Characters: Shang and Chou Volume

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/305312
  • DOIhttps://doi.org/10.18369/WACCS.2015.1.85
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세계한자학회 (The Wolrd Association of Chinese Characters Studies)

Digital research in ancient Chinese characters reflects the adjustment and development of the traditional research model under the new condition of information transmission. Through this new research model, more innovative research areas can be opened up. Moreover, the operating criterion of empirical study will be elevated. Currently there are several problems in this research model: overburdened work in the technical area; weak support of existing research and the absence of necessary Chinese information technology. The further realms we can expect are: digital means and platforms will bring a new vision of paleographic research; the development of the digital platform on the basis of resource sharing and cooperation; the development of the function of supervision on digital platform over criterion of the paleographic research.


 1. The current situation and opportunity
 2. Extension and promotion
  2.1. The frequency of study
  2.2. In-depth analysis
 3. Problems and deficiencies
 4. Prospects and expectations
  • Liu Zhiji(Center for the Study and Application of Chinese Characters, East China Normal University) | 刘志基