The study was carried out to assess the production performances of Japanese quail parent stock raised under open housing system and the study was conducted in a local farm with 2000 Japanese parent stock quail birds (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Observed body weight gain was recorded in each weekend up to 7 weeks of their age; birds gained weight 15.73, 31.45, 47.20, 90.80, 125.27, 153.14 and 175.20 grams, respectively. There have been observed sharp decline of fertility and hatchability of birds with increase of their age. Optimum fertility was recorded at third week and optimum hatchability at fifth week of their age. Average flock uniformity was found 83.68%. The hen day egg production of the flock was recorded 81, 83, 85, 86, 89, 89, 89, 89 and 88% in each weekend, respectively. It may therefore be concluded that Japanese quail parent stock performs well under open housing system in Bangladesh and future study can be taken to better understand their production performances.