‘온토비’는 중, 북부 지역에서도 안정적인 월동이 가능하며 봄철 풋거름 수량이 많아 답리작 재배에 적합한 헤어리베치 품종을 육성할 목적으로 국립식량과학원에서 유전자원 ‘Ch4 (중국 도입)’에서 파생된 봄철 생육이 우세한 개체들을 선발 하여 계통육종법을 통해 개발되었다. 주요 특성은 개화기에 진한 녹엽색을 띠고, 줄기 모용 밀도가 높으며, 개화기는 전국 평균 5월 15일로써 대조품종인 ‘청풍보라’에 비해 5일 늦다. 월동율은 전국 평균 91%로써 대조품종 보다 2% 더 높은 경 향이었으며, 건물중수량은 ha당 평균 5.44톤으로써 대조품종 에 비해 17% 더 많았고, 질소함량은 ha당 평균 172 kg으로 써 대조품종에 비해 13% 더 증가하였다. ‘온토비’의 적응 지 역은 1월 최저 평균기온이 -15℃ 이상인 지역이면 전국 어느 곳에서나 재배가 가능하다(품종보호등록번호 제4748호).
In order to develop a hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) cultivar which is suitable for cropping after the rice harvest in middle and northern regions because the cultivar can stably pass the winter season and produce much green manure, the National Institute of Crop Science developed the ‘Ontobi’, an elite cultivar through the method of line breeding after having selected good plants with superior growth rate which were derived from the germplasm ‘Ch4 (introduced from China)’. As main characteristics, ‘Ontobi’ has vivid green leaves during the blooming period and its stem hair’s density is high, and its blooming period is May 15 on average nationwide, and its average blooming period is 5 days later than that of ‘Cheongpoongbora’ the check variety. The Ontobi’s overwintering rate is 87% on average, showing 2% higher than that of the check variety, and its dry matter yield is 5.44 ton/ha on average, showing 17% more than that of the check variety, and its nitrogen content is 172kg/ha on average, showing 13% more than that of the check variety. ‘Ontobi’ can be cultivated in every region nationwide having its average lowest temperature in January is over -15℃.