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육상양식용 지하해수 개발효과 분석 KCI 등재

Effect Analysis about Inland Fish Farm for Development of Underground Seawater

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/310295
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
水産經營論集 (수산경영론집)
한국수산경영학회 (The Fisheries Business Administration Society Of Korea)

Due to red tide and abnormal currents that take place every year, the damage of inland fish farms that takes sea water is increasing frequently. Also, the households of inland fish farm due to the increase in the cost of fuel and electricity are struggling many hardships economically. In relation to underground seawater for it’s farm analyzed economic effect based on the actual conditions for 1,700 inland fish farms, from this I have deduced policy implications for direction this project to be pursued from now on. The saving rate of costs of the fuel and electricity through the development of an underground seawater were approximately analyzed to decline about 3.4〜9.7%, if utilizing only about 5% of the undeveloped farms, it was estimated effect of about 61 billion won, if 10%, it was estimated effect of about 122 billion won. Consideration in selecting the developer of underground seawater will be selected an character of farm method. It is expected this study will be helpful for business analysis related government in the fisheries.

  • 이광남(한국수산회 수산정책연구소) | Kwang-Nam Lee Corresponding author