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디지털흉부X선촬영에서 검출기 방식에 따른 최적의 노출조건 KCI 등재후보

Optimal Exposure Conditions according to Detector Type in Chest Digital Radiography

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/310715
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

The aim of this study was to set up the optimal exposure condition according to detector type considering image quality (IQ) with radiation dose in chest digital radiography. We used three detector type such as flat-panel detector (FP) and computed radiography (CR), and charge-coupled device (CCD). Entrance surface dose (ESD) was measured at each exposure condition combined tube voltage with tube current using dosimeter, after attaching on human phantom, it was repeated 3 times. Phantom images were evaluated independently by three chest radiologists after blinding image informations. Standard exposure condition using each institution was 117 kVp-AEC at FP and 117 kVp-8 mAs at CR, and 117 kVp-8 mAs at CCD. Statistical analysis was performed by One way ANOVA (Dunnett T3 test) using SPSS ver. 19.0. In FP, IQ scores were not significant difference between 102 kVp-4 mAs and 117 kVp-AEC (28.4 vs. 31.1, p=1.000), even though ESD was decreased up to 50% (62.3 μGy vs. 125.1 μGy). In CR, ESD was greatly decreased from 117 kVp-8 mAs to 90 kVp-8 mAs without significant difference of IQ score (p=1.000, 24.6 vs. 19.5). In CCD, IQ score of 117 kVp-8 mAs was similar with 109 kVp-8 mAs (29.6 vs. 29.0), with decreasing from 320.8 μGy to 284.7 μGy (about 11%). We conclude that optimal x-ray exposure condition for chest digital radiography is 102 kVp-4 mAs in FP and 90 kVp-8 mAs in CR, and 109 kVp-8 mAs in CCD.

  • 이원정(대전보건대학교 방사선학과) | Won-Jeong Lee Corresponding Author