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강우패턴을 고려한 사면의 안전율 변화

Safety Factor Changes of the Slope by Rainfall Patterns

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/312113
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한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 (The Korea Institute For Structural Maintenance and Inspection)

Rainfall infiltration affects stability of a slope. Though there are many method to reflect various rainfall conditions into slope stability, they are only focused on constant value of rainfall conditions. The variation of slope stability under various rainfall condition, patterns, is executed in this study. And effective rainfall for rail-transport operation control is also examined for applicability to Korean railway lines.

  • 한승희(인천대학교 건설환경공학과) | Han, Seung Hee
  • 배호석(한국철도기술연구원 연구원) | Bae, Ho Seok
  • 김현기(한국철도기술연구원 선임연구원) | Kim, Hyun Ki 교신저자