A Study on the Teaching Method of Korean Culture Education : According to Media Ecological Approach
【벼리】세계화·정보화로 인해 나날이 다양해지는 사회문화적 소통 환 경은, 우리에게 한국문화교육의 역할에 대한 재고와 함께 실천적인 교 육 방안 모색이라는 도전을 안겨 준다. 무엇보다 학습자들이 매일 마 주하는 실세계 맥락이라는 관점에서 볼 때, 원활한 문화 간 대화는 사 회문화적 차원뿐만 아니라 개인적 차원에서 무엇보다 중요한 사안이 되었다. 즉 다문화적 환경에서 더욱 강조되는 것이 ‘소통 능력’이라는 것이다. 특히 다양한 문화적 맥락에서의 무분별한 수용 혹은 배척이 아니라, 복잡한 상황에 적절하게 대처할 수 있는 태도와 행동을 스스로 선택
Now the multicultural generation that diverse races and diverse cultures coexist together has arrived. The diversified social and cultural environments made various and complicated what we understand and what we learn in the society that we are living. In addition the high technology progress caused various media environment, which involves there are the various types of information that we need to know. As a result, it is increasingly needed to improve more critical communicative competence in the context of the complex communication with a right and proper attitude. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to suggest the practical teaching method of Korean Culture Education for critical intercultural communication from the viewpoint of ecological approach, which is regarded the classroom, so-called a small multicultural space, as an ecological environment that includes mutual interaction of all teaching and learning systems. Especially it is focused on Media Ecological approach that seems media as an environment providing the various action and effect in educational environment.