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교통약자를 위한 공항이용서비스시스템 개선방안 연구 KCI 등재후보

An Approach to Improving the Quality of Airport Services for the Mobility Handicapped

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/315840
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대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

The types and characteristics of services that airport service systems provide have recently been diversified and specialized to meet various needs of users and their travelling activities. A service for the mobility handicapped is one of the newly demanded services. However, current services for them, which are provided by most of the Korean airports, are not sufficient to satisfy their needs. Additionally, there exist a lot of constraints in the use of those services, which makes it difficult for the mobility handicapped to use them effectively. Another problem is that a lot of the mobility handicapped do not even know that airports now offer services specialized for them. Considering that Korean airports have been recognized as a top-level service provider for about decades, it can be claimed that such an inferior quality of services for the mobility handicapped should be urgently improved. With this issue in mind, this study aims to propose an approach to improving the quality of airport services for the mobility handicapped. Firstly, we examined the actual conditions of the services for the mobility handicapped and identified the limitations of the current services, based on the results of literature review and questionnaire survey against the mobility handicapped and stakeholders of the services currently provided. Then we established a set of design improvement requirements and suggested several ways to improve the services for the mobility handicapped. Finally, we pointed out several issues to be resolved to design better specialized services for the mobility handicapped.

1. 서 론
  1.1 연구배경
  1.2 연구목적
 2. 개념 및 현황
  2.1 공항서비스시스템
  2.2 교통약자(The Mobility Handicapped)
  2.3 교통약자 서비스시스템 현황
 3. 연구방법 : 설문조사, 인터뷰조사
  3.1. 연구대상 : 교통약자
  3.2. 관계자 인터뷰
  3.3 연구결과
 4. 공항이용서비스시스템 개선방안
  4.1. 개선방안 요건수립
  4.2 개선시스템 제안
 5. 결론
 6. References
  • 김창균(전남대학교 산업공학과) | Chang-Gyun Kim
  • 배태용(전남대학교 산업공학과) | Tae-Yong Bae
  • 함동한(전남대학교 산업공학과) | Dong-Han Ham Corresponding Author