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Research on Non-equilibrium of Wuhan Housing Market Based on Principal Component Analysis

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/316771
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한중경제문화연구 (Korea-China Economic & Cultural Review)
한중경제문화학회 (Korea-China Economic & Cultural District Association)

The general equilibrium theory supposes the resource allocation is most efficient when the market clear out automatically, however this state is unstable,the unbalance of the supply and demand of all commodities is the ordinary state. To improve the allocation efficiency of resource market , unbalance state of supply and demand must be changed and the unbalanced degree is desired to be minimized . Based on the general equilibrium theory and taking the supply and demand of Housing market in Wuhan city as the research object, this paper study on the Disequilibrium of Housing Market in Wuhan City from 2001to 2010.This paper takes main body of using the principal component and measurement analysis method to determine the factors that influence of equilibrium of housing market in Wuhan city, and to construct the unbalanced model of housing market in Wuhan .The results show that the housing price, urban per capita disposable income and housing investment is influencing factors of supply and demand of Wuhan housing market ; At present there is serious unbalance between supply and demand in Wuhan housing market , and thus puts forward some countermeasures and proposals.

Ⅰ. Introduction
 Ⅱ. Influence Factors of Supply and Demand of Wuhan Housing Market Analysis
  1. Theoretical analysis of housing supply and demand influence factors
  2. Principal Component Analysis of influence factors of Wuhan housing market supply anddemand
 Ⅲ. Non-equilibrium Model
  1. Specification of Wuhan housing disequilibrium model
  2. Model parameter estimation
  3. Result analysis
 Ⅳ. Conclusion
  • Guan, Jianghua(Huang Gang Normal University.)