PURPOSES: In this study, we evaluated changes in the retroreflectivity and luminance of phosphorescent road line markings with changes in glass beads and line marking thickness.
METHODS : The color of line markings affects their retroreflectivity. Using a chromaticity test, we conducted the analysis of whether phosphorescent road line markings adhered to the「 KS M 6080」standard. Then, we measured the dry retroreflectivity and wet retroreflectivity for various glass bead refractive indices. We conducted wet retroreflectivity test using the EN 1436 standard as the basis. We also conducted luminance tests for different glass bead refractive indices and line marking thicknesses.
RESULTS : 1. Phosphorescent road line markings specimens satisfied the 「KS M 6080」standard. 2. In dry retroreflectivity test, phosphorescent road line markings sprayed with glass beads satisfied the national police agency standard (240 mcd/(m2₩Lux)). Wet retroreflectivity test results showed that except for one type of No.1 glass beads, phosphorescent road line markings specimens sprayed with glass beads of one type of No.3 and two types of No.1 satisfied the national police agency standard (100 mcd/(m2₩Lux)). 3. Phosphorescent road line markings had higher retroreflectivity than non-phosphorescent road line markings in the dry condition. 4. Phosphorescent road line markings sprayed with glass beads demonstrated improved luminance. Luminance increased with higher glass bead refractive index and with increased line marking thickness. However, when the thickness crossed a certain threshold, phosphorescence ceased to increase; this is a characteristic of the phosphorescence phenomenon.
CONCLUSIONS : Visibility across short distances can be ensured when phosphorescent road line markings are sprayed with glass beads, because of the retroreflection phenomenon. It is also possible to ensure far visibility using phosphorescent road line markings.