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국내 아파트 건물내 변압실 주변 거주지에서의 자기장 노출 수준 KCI 등재후보

Exposure levels of magnetic field in residences near electrical transformer rooms in apartment buildings in Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/31772
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,200원
한국실내환경학회지 (Journal of Korean Society for Indoor Environment)
한국실내환경학회 (Korean Society for Indoor Environment)

This study was performed to investigate the exposure levels of magnetic field (MF) in residences near electrical transformer rooms in apartment buildings in Korea. We determined that the location of transformer rooms in apartment buildings in Korea is not same as in other countries. In particular, in Korea, the transformer on the pole near buildings serves residential buildings of less than 5 floors. In the buildings taller than 5 floors transformers are often placed below the parking lots in the basement. We estimated that there were, however, about 85,000 with transformer room adjacent to an apartment and had identified about 1,600 apartment buildings with transformers that can be included in the TransExpos study. The mean value of measured MFs was 1.17 mG in apartments above transformer room and 0.97 mG in other floors from transformer room. This study was concluded that apartments in building with transformer room can be classified into high-exposure category based on their location in relation to transformer room.

  • 조용성
  • 김윤신
  • 홍승철
  • LeekaKheifets
  • 전형진
  • 이철민