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Potential Uses of Exotic Germplasm for Enhancing Yield and Biotic Resistance of Corn in Myanmar KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/319747
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한국작물학회 (Korean Society Of Crop Science)

Corn (Zea mays.L) is the second leading cereal in Myanmar and an important commodity in earning farmers’ income and foreign currencies. To increase productivity, development of locally adapted better hybrid is strongly needed. For upgrading the hybrid corn research and development program, Department of Agricultural Research (DAR) invited the International Corn Foundation (ICF)/Kyungpook National University (KNU) in 2005. Under this collaborative program, research on genetic potential of exotic germplasm introduced from Nepal, Hawaii, Korea, China and IITA has been carried out in 2009 rainy season. Yield trials of 108 and 80 combinations of Myanmar lines and exotic germplasm (Normal × Normal crosses, Normal × Super-sweet) were carried out in Tatkone, Yezin (central zone), Nyaung Mon (north zone), Aung Ban (highland zone) research stations, respectively. These experimental crosses are produced in Korea and Cambodia, 2008. Two to five outstanding hybrids have been selected for three respective zones. Selected hybrids yielded 50-100% more than the best commercial hybrid, CP888 imported from Thailand.The hybrids are tolerant to Rhizoctonia blight in the Tatkone, Exserohilum turcicum blight in Aung Ban, and E. turcicum and stem borers in the Nyaung Mon. A couple of normal super-sweet corn hybrids were selected for nutrition, sugar and vitamin A+. These results point out that introgression of exotic alleles has a potential to increase the heterotic response in yield and biotic resistance. Thus, an understanding of the heterotic relationship between adapted and exotic is needed to exploit exotic germplasm intelligently.

  • Win Win Nwe(International Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) of Kyungpook National University (KNU)) Corresponding author
  • John Ba Maw(Department of Agricultural Research (DAR))
  • Thant Lwin Oo(Department of Agricultural Research (DAR))
  • May Thet Naing(Department of Agricultural Research (DAR))
  • Hlaing Hlaing Khin(Department of Agricultural Research (DAR))
  • Khin Thandar Min(Department of Agricultural Research (DAR))
  • Thandar Win(Department of Agricultural Research (DAR))
  • Soon-Kwon Kim(International Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) of Kyungpook National University (KNU))