Italian Ryegrass, also called annual ryegrass, is a high productivity and feed value, and an upright grass that behaves like a biennial or short-lived perennial. It grows vigorously in winter and early spring. Italian ryegrass and a related species, perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne, are the two common weedy ryegrassses. Italian ryegrass and perennial ryegrass can hybridize, resulting in offspring that are difficult to identify as either species. Ryegrasses are cultivated for turf and forage. Sometimes Italian ryegrass is grown as cover crop. It has the potential to produce high yields and, with proper management, can be high quality with good animal performance. To develop of a high quality, productivity and early variety, 11 varieties were in the seven different irradiation conditions (0Gy, 100Gy, 200Gy, 300Gy, 400Gy, 500Gy, 1,000Gy) and examined growth and germination characters of each plant as like plant height, number of tillers. As a increase of irradiation, germination rate of 11 Italian ryegrass varieties are somewhat reduced.