Analysis of Body Circumference Measu in Predicting Percentage of Body Fat
As a measure of health, the percentage of body fat has been utilized for many ergonomist, physician, athletic trainers, and work physiologists. Underwater weighing procedure for measuring the percentage of body fat is popular and accurate. However, it is relatively expensive, difficult to perform and requires large space. Anthropometric techniques can be utilized to predict the percentage of body fat in the field setting because they are easy to implement and require little space. In this concern, the purpose of this study was to find a regression model to easily predict the percentage of body fat using the anthropometric circumference measurements as predictor variables. In this study, the data for 10 anthropometric circumference measurements for 252 men were analyzed. A full model with ten predictor variables was constructed based on subjective knowledge and literature. The linear regression modeling consists of variable selection and various assumptions regarding the anticipated model. All possible regression models and the assumptions are evaluated using various statistical methods. Based on the evaluation, a reduced model was selected with five predictor variables to predict the percentage of body fat. The model is : % Body Fat = 2.704-0.601 (Neck Circumference) + 0.974 (Abdominal Circumference) -0.332 (Hip Circumference) + 0.409 (Arm Circumference) - 1.618 (Wrist Circumference) + ε. This model can be used to estimate the percentage of body fat using only a tape measure.