유독성 부착와편모조류 유입에 따른 적조 모니터링 관리체계의 변화에 대한 제언
A recent report has showed that potentially toxic benthic dinoflagellates obtained from macroalgae were observed in Jeju waters. These species have been reported to occur only in subtropical waters and are regarded as a producer of ciguatoxin in fishes. This finding of benthic dinoflagellates contributes to improve the monitoring surveillance for the safety of humans and marine food in Korea, which will extend to southern coastal regions. Furthermore, Cochlodinium red tide, which occurs annually each summer, will increase the distribution toward whole coastal waters in Korea because of the more northerly direction of isotherms in SST (Sea Surface Temperature) due to global warming. Consequently, the Korean government should enforce a monitoring programme against biotoxin assessment investing research abilities (i.e. manpower and funds) to better understand Korean marine ecosystem in responding to climate change.