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화포늪의 배후범람원과 자연환경

Riparian Floodplains of the Hwaponeup Wetland and its Natural Environments

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/320126
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국자연보호학회지 (Korean Journal of Nature Conservation)
한국자연보호학회 (Korean Journal of Nature Conservation)

Most of the extensive areas in the lower parts of the Nakdonggang River are characterized as zones of the diversely geomorphological features: the riparian wetland and floodplains, the riverine sand island on the river channel and riverine wetlands along the river. It aims to introduce the floodplains of the Nakdonggang River and its tributary (Hwapocheon Stream), and to evaluate their utilities in the process of the watershed management and the stream restoration in future. The lowland floodplains are developed over the 1,000 ha area beyond the riverbank in the middle and lower parts of the river. Furthermore, the 19 sand islands distribute on the river channel and the riverine wetlands are situated over 11 locations along the riverside. The most floodplains along the river had been converted to agricultural and other land uses, especially paddy fields, and two wetlands - the Hwaponeup Wetland in the Hwapocheon Stream and the Wooponeup Wetland in the Topyeongcheon Stream - barely keep in existence of the natural type one. In the Hwapocheon Watershed, the lowland below the 50 m elevation covers 61% of the basin area and the wetland interiorly spread along the stream bank. The area of the Hwaponeup Wetland is 250 ha to rank second level next to Wooponeup Wetland in sizes or scopes of inland ones. The Hwaponeup Wetland displays a unique landscape with the various willowtree population and waterside plants to have the high biological diversity. The 448 ha floodplain area in the lower zone and the 259 ha area in the mid-zone of the stream had been already reclaimed in the past, and in the present, the lowland floodplains around the stream-type wetland had been exclusively occupied with the paddy farms. In recent year, as the wetland and floodplain restoration have emerged as a key component in local watershed management programs over the world, these lands should have the greatest potential for future ecosystem recovery and restoration because the ecological values of the Hwapocheon Stream could increase more than those of the other areas. The restoration, creation and enhancement of the wetland provides opportunities for solving existing flood control or erosion, ecological habitat or biological diversity, other water resource problem. In these context, the network systems to connect the stream channels and riparian floodplains are a basic concept in the watershed management. In view of the natural resources, the Hwapocheon Stream will have the better advantage to control the flooding and water quality in the process of the stream restoration or watershed management in the local area.

  • 조경제(인제대학교 환경공학부) | Gyeongje Joh Corresponding Author
  • 안창혁(인제대학교 환경공학부) | Chang-Hyuk An