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종공능시각담한어정태사적어의특정급구법표현 ― 이“필수”、“가능”화“가이”위중심 KCI 등재

A Functional Approach to the Semantic and Syntactic features of Chinese Modal Words ― Focuses on “Bixu(必须)”, “Keneng(可能)” and “Keyi(可以)”

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/320724
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,600원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

Systemic Functional linguistics considers Modality as the speaker’s attitude betwe en “yes” and “no”. Based on this, we discuss the Chinese modality system. First, we review what has been done on Chinese modals by the previous researchers. Then, we introduce Halliday’s modality system in English to establish a Chinese modality system and analyze the syntactic and semantic features of the typical modal verbs to point out the negotiation of Chinese modality.

系统功能语言学认为,情态表现的是介于肯定和否定两极之间的说话者的态度,本文以此为 理论基础,着力探讨汉语的情态系统。首先,对前人关于汉语情态的研究进行了分类梳理,并指出 其研究特点及其存在的不足;其次,以Halliday对英语情态系统的分类为理论框架,结合汉语情态 表达的事实,深入分析汉语的情态系统及其典型情态词的句法语义特征,并揭示汉语情态的话语商 讨性。

1. 引言
 2. 传统语法学对情态词分类的模糊性
 3. 略谈功能视角的汉语情态系统
  1) Halliday的英语情态系统
  2) 功能视角的汉语情态系统的特征
 4. “必须”、“可能”和“可以”的情态比较
  1) “必须”的语义特征及句法表现
  2) “可能”的语义特征及句法表现
  3) “可以”的语义特征及句法表现
 4. 结语
  • 양재영(暨南大学外国语学院 副教授) | Yang Cai-Ying
  • 양만기(제주한라대학교 국제관광호텔학부 부교수) | Yang Man-Ki 교신저자
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