dissimilarity (or similarity) between pairs of ones by using dissimilarity distance matrix and cluster analysis, respectively, based on the seven quantitative evaluation of educational conditions (percentage of small-scale courses, percentage of lecture by the faculty, collection of books per student, material purchase per student, percentage of building capacity, percentage of real estate capacity and rate of accommodation) in 2015. In addition, multidimensional scaling (MDS) techniques can obtain visual representation for exploring patterns of proximities among 28 national universities based on seven attributes of educational conditions. Research design, data, and methodology - This work is carried out by the 2015 Announcement of University Information, which is provided by Ministry of Education in South Korea and utilized by multivariate analyses with CLUSTER, PROXIMITIES and ALSCAL modules in IBM SPSS 23.0. Results - We make certain that 28 national universities can be categorized into five clusters which have similar traits by applying two-stage cluster analysis. MDS is utilized to perform positioning of grouped places of cluster and 28 national universities joining every cluster. Conclusions - Both types and traits of each national university can be relatively assessed and practically utilized for each university competitiveness based on underlying results.