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골재 크기에 따른 고연성 섬유보강 시멘트 복합재의 인장거동 특성 변화

Tensile Behavior of Highly Ductile Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Composites according to Aggregate Size

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/322869
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한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 (The Korea Institute For Structural Maintenance and Inspection)

This study was aimed to investigate the effect of aggregate size on the tensile behavior of highly ductile fiber-reinforced cementitious composites. Partial applying 5.6mm coarse aggregate instead of micro silica sand was considered. It was revealed that the fiber-reinforced cementitous composites with 5.6 mm coarse aggregate as well as micro silica sand still showed enough tensile strain capacity more than 5% and limited crack width less than 150 ㎛.

  • 강수태(대구대학교 건설시스템공학과) | Kang, Su-Tae 교신저자
  • 김기도(대구대학교 건설시스템공학과) | Kim, Ki-Do
  • 전우수(대구대학교 건설시스템공학과) | Jeon, Woo-Su